The pillars of Islam

The pillars of Islam As Muslims we practice those ⤵️🌷⤵️ Islam 5 Pillars: 1- The testimony of Islam: 💥 in English ⤵️🌷⤵️ I bear witness that there is no deity ( God) worthy of worship except Allah, And I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him ) is the messenger of Allah ≈≈≈≈≈ 💥 in Arabic ⤵️🌷⤵️ Ash hadu an la ilaha illa Allah wa ash hadu anna Muhammad Rasul Allah. ============== 2- Performing 5 daily salah ( prayer).🕌 very simple and soothing, It make you in constant contact with Allah.💐 ============== 3- Paying zakat (charity) .💰 {if you can}. It is paid by the able, to the needy ============== 4- Fasting the holy month of Ramadan. 🌙 By it souls become pious, and make them feel poor and hungry people. ============== 5- Hajj (pilgrimaging) going to Mecca to perform it.🕋 If you can. {only once in life} . Hajj (pilgrimage) is a call to Allah’s monotheism, uprightness in his religion, and steadfastness in what...