Remembering Death

Remembering DEATH


Abu Hurairah radia Allahu anh(may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:

“Remember, as much as you can, the one thing (fact or reality) which (always) brings an end to all worldly joys and pleasures, (meaning death)”Related by At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa’i and Ibn Hibban.

The scholar Ibn Uthaymeen may Allah have mercy on him said;

A person should remember his state and his end in this world, and this end is not an end, but behind it is a greater purpose than it, which is the Hereafter, so a person should always remember death not on the basis of separation from loved ones and familiar ones; Because this is a short view, but on the basis of parting from work and plowing for the afterlife.If he thinks by this way , he will prepare and increase the work for the hereafter .

Al Sharh Al momti(5-213)


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