The Islamic greetings

 The meanings of the words in the Islamic greeting

Assalam alaikum wa rhmatu Allah wa barakatuh

1- Assalam (Peace) 

 2- alaykum=(upon you), 

3- Wa =( and), 

Rhmatu =(mercy)

4- Rhmatu Allah =the mercy of Allah, 

5- Wa=(and) 

6- Barakatuh =(His blessing).

*The meanings of the words in the response to Islamic greeting* 

Wa alaikum assalam wa rhmatu Allah wa barakatuh


Alaikum =(upon you)

Assalam =(peace)


Rhmatu =(mercy)

Rhmatu Allah =(the mercy of Allah)


Barakatuh =(His blessing)


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

Sujood Al_Tilaawah

The day of Tarwiyah
